Writing Prompt – Who do You Admire?

Writing Prompt – Who do You Admire?

This week’s writing prompt is about understanding who you admire, and what about them you hold in high regard. So, who do you admire? They could be historical figures, modern day figures, artists, musicians, thought leaders, leadership, family, or friends. It could be anybody that you admire. Make a list of 3-5 people. Consider the qualities that you appreciate about them and list them for each person. Now look at your list. Do you notice any overlap between these people? Are there overlapping qualities or traits that you notice? Now look at those traits and journal about how you could incorporate those qualities into your life.

In a recent podcast episode, Chase Jarvis discussed how “the people that live wildly creative lives or are paid to do what they live, built what they have deliberately and strategically.” When you really take time to study the people that you look up to, rather than casually admire them, you’ll find goals, objectives, strategies, tactics, and practices that allowed them to build their success. Take a deeper look at the people you admire, and see what it is that they do that allowed them to build the life that you admire.

Who do you admire? Why? How can you emulate the characteristics of the people that you look up to the most? What can you incorporate into your life to build success in different parts of your life?