Writing Prompt – Wellbeing
Self-care is so important, especially right now. Addressing your wellbeing is a constant effort, and not something that you can just shelve. When you have to address it, it’s usually too late because something has metaphorically boiled over. Once things get rough, you have to address wellbeing from a place of response rather than being proactive. This makes it more urgent, and may come at an emotional cost. This week’s writing prompt asks the question – What are you doing for your wellbeing? How are you maintaining your wellbeing?
Your wellbeing is both physical and emotional. When we address one, we typically end up addressing the other. Physical exercise plays an important role in our emotional wellness as well as our physical wellbeing. When we exercise, we gain self-confidence, improve our mood, increase our energy, improve our sleep, and even reduce stress. Not to even mention the physical benefits exercise provides!
Are you finding time for service, and for helping others? Even in our current socially-distanced reality, we can still provide emotional support when we feel unable to provide physical service. There are still opportunities to provide physical service as well.
You can learn new skills, journal, meditate, reach out to friends, find a wellness coach – any number of things to promote your own emotional wellbeing. If you’re already doing things to address your wellbeing, keep it up! If you feel like you could work on ways to increase your wellbeing, journal that this week, and start working on those right away! You may find that as you proactively address your wellbeing, that you’ll start making progress on what means the most to you!
This is not to say that there aren’t real reasons that you should not reach out for professional help. If you feel like you need help, please call your doctor. If you need help right away, don’t hesitate to contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline.