Writing Prompt – What Are You Ignoring?

Writing Prompt – What Are You Ignoring?

The world is a firehose of content and messages. It’s impossible to drink from a firehose, because the water comes out so fast and so powerfully that there’s no way to actually drink from it. Between media, learning, games, and the people around us, there’s a never-ending stream of information coming at you. You have to choose what you pay attention to, and what you ignore. This week’s writing prompt asks the question, “What are you ignoring?”

Are there things you choose to ignore that are worth ignoring? What are you paying attention to? Are you choosing to ignore a prompting to do something or say something? Is there a nagging feeling that crops up again and again that you’re not taking action on? Are there things in your life that feel unfinished or undone? Are there people that you feel like you should pay attention to? What about yourself? Are you ignoring your own needs?

How can you stop ignoring the things that you feel like you should be paying attention to? How can you stop paying attention to the things that take up your valuable mind?

Give some thought this week to the things that you’re ignoring. Pay attention to the things that seem to crop up in the back of your mind over and over. Maybe some of them will feel familiar as you find opportunities to journal and meditate.